Advertising and Aviation Have Lots In Common – No, Seriously!

 In Aviation Marketing, General Aviation, Uncategorized

Sometimes what is true for one industry is true for another. Like all human endeavors, both advertising and aviation have their fair share of bromidic sayings that bespeak underlying truths. We thought it would be fun and instructive to compare words of wisdom from each industry and see if we can find common ground. Believe it or not, they have more in common than you’d think.  Here are some example for your consideration:

Hover Over the Boxes Below to View the Flip Side to Each Saying

Aviation Says:
Aviate, Navigate, Communicate!
(Hover Over Flip Box To See Back)
Advertising Says:
Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it brilliant!

Point of Both:

Each in its own way subscribes to the U.S. Navy’s 1960 instruction to “keep it simple, stupid,” or better known as the KISS method. Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it well enough yourself.”

Aviation Says:
Fuel is liquid altitude – the only time you will have too much is when you’re on fire.
Advertising Says:
Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.

Point of Both:

You can’t fly across the Atlantic with only a half-tank of gas. And you can’t reach your marketing destination if you don’t have enough gas in the tank to reach your audience.

Aviation Says:
When in doubt, hold your altitude; nobody ever collided with the sky.
Advertising Says:
Never let advertising write checks your business can’t cash.

Point of Both:

Look before you leap. Know what’s possible and don’t over state or over promise. Promising to deliver the  impossible is not a good public relations position to be … in aviation or in advertising.

Aviation Says:
It’s better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air, than in the air wishing you were on the ground.
Advertising Says:
Great advertising takes time. Time to explore, develop, and perfect. When an ad is great, nobody remembers the deadline you missed. When an ad is bad, nobody remembers the deadline you made.

Point of Both:

Aviation and Advertising involve risk. Rushing to get into the air or on the air without really thinking it through could be a regrettable decision. As Ben Franklin so aptly put it, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

Aviation Says:
There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots.
Advertising Says:
Nothing will kill a bad product faster than good advertising.

Point of Both:

Advertising and Aviation take a level of cautious honesty. Being reckless in either case can lead to serious consequences.

Aviation Says:
Never let an airplane take you somewhere your brain didn’t get to five minutes earlier.
Advertising Says:
Logic and analysis can immobilize and sterilize ideas. Like love, the more you analyze it, the faster it disappears.

Point of Both:

Keep your head in the game, focus on the big picture and don’t get overwhelmed with details

Aviation Says:
Emergency landings are done to save lives, not airplanes.
Advertising Says:
There are few things more destructive than an unsound idea persuasively expressed.

Point of Both:

A pilot’s skill is best utilized when lives are on the line. A marketer needs to do the same when a company is on the line.

Aviation Says:
Rule one: No matter what else happens, fly the airplane.
Advertising Says:
Rule one: If you don’t get noticed, you don’t have anything!

Point of Both:

Put aside all other distractions and focus on the most important objectives at the time.

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